ART:SCHOOL kate southworth ART:SCHOOL kate southworth

Overview of Electronic Village Galleries Pilot Project

An overview of the Electronic Village Galleries Pilot Project devised and piloted in 2011 by Kate Southworth that tests a model of ‘distributed curating’. The project was generously funded by Arts Council England. This invited paper was presented at The Cornwall Workshop (Initiated by the independent curator Teresa Gleadowe and developed in collaboration with Tate St Ives under the auspices of the Tate Research Centre: Creative Communities).

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ART:SCHOOL kate southworth ART:SCHOOL kate southworth

Media Matters: Friedrich Kittler and Technoculture at Tate Modern in 2008

The Media Matters symposium took place at the end of June and it has taken this long to gather my thoughts sufficiently well to make some useful comments on the event. At first, I thought my inability to write a coherent text was due to a lack of understanding of the finer points of complex media theory, but over the last couple of weeks I have stopped feeling quite so inadequate and begun to shift the blame elsewhere. In fact, I think it’s Friedrich Kittler’s fault. In his keynote lecture at Tate Modern the German media theorist whose breathtaking intellectual acrobatics weave together theoretical and methodological moves from Derrida, Foucault, Lacan and Mcluhan - was searching for love.

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